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Horse care in spring and summer

Preparing Your Horse for Spring & Summer

Winter is finally (almost) behind us and it’s time to make sure your horse is ready for the warmer weather that’s on the way. Before you let your horse roam free underneath the spring sun, consider the following to keep them comfortable and protected for the next few months: 

Preparing your horse for spring 

Spring is here – is your horse ready? Since colder temperatures are finally on their way out, your horse will be able to comfortably run free and enjoy the warm and refreshing breeze of spring. Before you can both take advantage of this nice weather, you might want to consider some of the following to help make the transition enjoyable for your horse(s). 

  • Call your veterinarian – It’s a good idea to give your vet a call prior to any changing of the seasons just to make sure everything is up-to-date. You can go over vaccination records and check to see if your horse is due for any annual or biannual shots. If needed, schedule these appointments well in advance so your horse can get active and enjoy the weather! 
  • Slowly adjust to the heat and humidity – Since your horses likely had a reduced riding schedule during the colder winter months, it’s important to help rebuild their stamina prior to the warmer weather conditions. Take some time and develop a careful conditioning plan and take it one day at a time. 

Preparing your horse for summer 

For some people, summer means relaxing by the pool, vacations, and beach days. For horse owners, however, it means bugs, exhaustion, and much longer days. Make sure you’re aware of how to properly care for your horse during the hotter temperatures, as well. 

  • Insect proof everything – Insects can be annoying, sure, but they can also lead to serious health options for your horses. Make sure you’re properly treating run-in shelters, square and round bale feeders, and anywhere else your horse spends time. 
  • Provide adequate shade from the sun – The best method for preventing the sun-bleaching of your horse’s coat is to minimize sun exposure. Do your best to stable your horse during the hours when the sun is the hottest. Instead, let them out and get their exercise in during the early morning and evening hours.   

Feeding your horse with square or round bale feeders 

During every season – rain or shine – make sure you’re providing your horse with quality hay and clean water. Whether you’re using legumes to provide higher protein and calcium content or grass hay for digestion help, round bale feeders are great for ensuring horses are well-fed and getting enough necessary nutrients. 

Keep your horses comfortable, energized, and well-fed during the spring and summer months. Contact us today and ask about our quality hay feeders for horses!

horse eating hay over the winter

Horse Feeding Over the Winter: Use the Right Hay Feeders!

No matter the season, you should always be focusing on doing all you can to keep your horses happy, healthy, and well-fed. But this is especially true during those frigid winter months.

The changes in weather can impact how you feed your horses hay, how much you should be feeding, and how often you feed them.

Energize your horses with hay

Hay is the primary energy source and calorie source for horses and since the winter limits the amount of pasture grass available to horses, you’ll need to supplement a lot more calories in the form of hay.

And not just any hay. You need quality hay. Hay offers higher protein stability, stimulates salivation, promotes digestion, and provides horses with all the necessary nutrients. Because of these benefits of quality hay, it also has a great warming effect on horses.

To properly energize your horses, start by feeding between 1.5% and 2.5% of your horse’s total body weight per day in hay. If your horse is 1,100 pounds, start by feeding between 16.5 and 27.5 pounds of hay each day.

It’s crucial to monitor severe weather changes during these winter months, including 10-degree temperature drops and high wind speeds. Each will require an additional intake of between 2 to 8 pounds of hay per day to meet your horse’s increased energy requirements.

But what about storing all this hay? You don’t want to waste a lot of the extra hay you’ll be providing, so you need to make sure it’s being held in quality hay feeders.

Hay feeders for horses

Make sure you’re using the best kind of hay feeders year-round. The highest quality products, including round bale feeders and square bale feeders, allow for easy access, minimize hay waste, and slow down feeding time, which helps your horses properly digest hay.

Round bale feeders are great options due to their lower cost and overall convenience. Plus, these hay feeders allow you to always keep your hay available, which is important because you should be feeding your horses hay at least three times a day over the winter.

Finally, especially during rough winter conditions, make sure you’re keeping your square or round bale feeder sheltered. Not only do horses need to stay warm to maintain their internal temperatures, but your hay feeders also need to be protected from the elements, as well. To prevent mildew and mold spores from building up, use quality tarps specifically designed to store hay to cover your round bale feeders.  

Keep your horses healthy and well-fed throughout the winter. Give us a call today to learn more about our quality hay feeders for horses!

horse hay feeder

Get the Most Out of Your Large Hay Bales

Now more than ever with inflation and prices rising it’s important to conserve as much hay as possible. Large hay bales are often a good choice when looking to save on your hay costs if you have the equipment and storage to keep them. When feeding your horses outdoors you will want to make sure to use a hay feeder that will contain your hay as much as possible.

Why Use Large Hay Bales

For bigger farm operations, larger hay bales are often the most economical choice as they feed more at a lower cost. They also have an advantage over smaller because they ferment naturally keeping mold and rot from impacting the hay; therefore, you can keep them for longer. In addition, using a larger hay bale can be used to feed more horses at one time, making them more efficient for feeding.

Round or Square Hay Bales?

There is a difference between large round and square hay bales. Square hay bales tend to have a higher density than round. Square bales are also easier to carry so require less manpower. They also store more effortlessly as they can be stacked without any issues of rolling.

Round hay bales, however, typically tend to be less expensive as they are more highly produced. In addition, because of their size, round hay bales can provide more protection from the elements, helping to keep them fresh for longer. Both round or square large hay bales have the advantage of saving you time and money.

Klene Pipe’s big bale hay feeder, the H-8 Horse Hay Feeder can hold either large square or round hay bales and are designed to help keep your large hay bales in place to avoid loss of hay. Our no-waste hay feeders prevent hay from scattering and blowing, saving you time and money.

horses in the hot sun

6 Ways to Keep Your Horse Cool This Summer

Those hot summer days are approaching and it’s important you know how to properly care for your horse when temperatures near triple digits. Neglecting to do some of these tips could not only be extremely uncomfortable for your horse but also cause some serious health concerns.

Here are some of the best tips for keeping your horse cool and comfortable during those hot summer months:

1. Quality Horse Shelter Kits

On those brutal summer days, any kind of shade is a relief for your horse. Besides drinking water, shelter is the most important aspect of caring for your horse in the summer. Trees with large foliage can be great for a quick rest but if the heat is too much, quality horse shelter kits are great for keeping horses cool, comfortable, and out of the heat.

Make sure you’re taking the sun’s positioning into account so that your horse can always have protection from the sun. To maximize comfort inside these horse shelter kits, place fans, light sheets, and a cool water source.

2. Never Overdo it in the Heat

According to the University of Guelph, horses can get heat stress 10 times faster than humans during a workout.

If you’re going out riding, especially during the middle of the day, be sure to keep the session short. You should never push your horse beyond his or her fitness level, but it’s imperative to be extra cautious during extremely hot days.

3. Keep Them Hydrated and Well-Fed

It’s crucial your horse remains strong throughout those hot summer days. Keeping your horse hydrated and well-fed will ensure they’re getting enough nutrients and will be able to better manage excessive temperatures.

Provide cool water and make sure your horse is drinking it. If they’re refusing, try placing a block of salt nearby (horses love it) – that should encourage them to rehydrate afterward. Also, make sure you’re using quality square or round bale feeders. Certain horse hay feeders are great for helping your horse eat freely, preventing overeating and other issues.

4. Frequent Baths, Mist, and Fans

Though providing frequent drinking water breaks during the summer is crucial, keeping your horse cool with baths, mist, and fans is just as important. After your (brief) ride, consider spraying your horse with a cool hose to help.

When misting or bathing your horse, it’s recommended to start with the chest and neck areas to cool the veins near the heart, which can help cool off the rest of the body quicker.  

5. Trim Any Excess Hair

Although clipping horses is most common in the winter because of the extra layers of coat, keeping them well-groomed in the summer is a great way to help them stay cool. Removing sections of your horse’s coat can reduce sweating during exercise and keep them comfortable throughout the day. Make sure you’re using quality clippers, too. Use clippers that can remove hair underneath the tact, which prevents irritation and constant rubbing.

6. Pay Attention to Signs of Heatstroke

Overall, make sure you’re paying attention to your horse’s mood, appearance, and movements as much as you can when it’s extremely hot. Give your vet a call right away if you notice any of the following signs of heatstroke:

  • Elevated heart rate
  • Temperatures above 103 degrees
  • Exhaustion or lethargy
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dehydration

Make sure you’re prepared for the heat. Contact us today if you want to find some great horse shelter kits, round bale feeders, and more!

helping a horse eat

Your Horse Won’t Eat? Try These 4 Tips

You’ve tried everything. You’ve tried adding some molasses for a little flavoring, you got rid of all the moldy hay, and you’ve even pretended to eat the hay right in front of them. But your horse just won’t eat! 

This is a serious issue. Your horse needs to eat and relies on those essential nutrients – protein, vitamins, and minerals – within the forage. Luckily, there are a few things you can do that we’ve had success with in the past. 

Here are some helpful tips to get your horse to feed again: 

First, try to identify why your horse isn’t eating

This could be tricky, but take a step back and really think about what and how you’re feeding your horse. Maybe the hay is stale or too salty, which could cause a horse to stop eating. Or maybe you’ve been putting new medications like Bute into the feed. Your horse might want to avoid eating if that’s the case. 

There are a variety of reasons why your horse won’t eat. But if you can, determining the root cause of the issue, rather than just trying to force them to eat, is a great way to start. 

Utilize quality square or round bale feeders 

If you’re using lesser quality hay feeders, there could be some serious issues that arise. An effective round bale feeder will allow your horse to eat freely, at their own pace. Other hay feeders, however, can lead to overeating, bloating, vomiting, and other problems – all of which could subsequently lead to your horse wanting to avoid eating again. 

Look at your horse’s teeth

Dental issues can affect your horse’s ability to eat. Certain problems could cause hooks, waves, and other malformations that inhibit chewing. Additionally, broken or infected teeth can be so painful, your horse won’t want to chew anything. Warning signs of serious dental issues, in addition to loss of appetite, include aggressive behavior, introverted gaze, and self-mutilation. Keep an eye out for these signs and have a vet take a look at your horse’s teeth if you think that’s the issue. 

Beware of any changes to your horse’s environment 

Your horse might avoid eating if they are stressed, nervous, or anxious. Think about any major changes or circumstances that have happened recently. The loss of a stablemate, major weather changes, or the addition of a new stablemate could all cause some stressful problems and result in a lack of eating. 

You’re doing everything you can to help your horse get back to eating healthy. Sometimes, just slowing down and thinking about the problem can help you find a solution. If you need quality round or square bale feeders, give us a call today!